Growing requirements

Controlled environment rooms (temperature and humidity) are required for efficient production of high-quality mushrooms. Temperature and humidity

Peak heat

Raise the temperature to 60oC for several hours to pasteurise the compost. Both compost and air temperatures should be maintained at 48-52oC for several days. Ventilate the room, but do not allow the surface of the compost to become too dry. The humidity throughout this stage should remain between 90 and 100%.

Spawn run and casing

Maintain a room temperature of 25oC for 10-14 days with high humidity (95-100%). Ventilation is not required at this stage as high carbon dioxide levels encourage mycelium growth. Metabolic heat from the spawn will raise the temperature of the compost and it may require cooling. After casing, keep the surface moist and maintain constant temperature and humidity.


Maintain an air temperature of 14-18oC in order to keep the compost at 16-20oC. In summer, this will require a cooling system. Ventilate well, avoiding fast or dry air currents. Maintain the humidity at 85-90%.


At the end of the cropping season, use live steam to at least 70oC for 10 hours on the compost to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.